Adeh, desas desus mengatakan tol akan naik akhirnya menjadi kenyataan.. nampaknyer pi mai pi mai rakyat jugak yang sengsara menangung kesan kemerosotan ekonomi... kenalah aku merempit ke tempat keja utk elak jam n bayar tol, ramailer org yang keje jauh2 akan bertukar pakai motor... minyak turun tol naik.. he3
kadar kenaikan tol :
PLUS - 5%
Sprint/Kerinchi/Damansara Link highways - antara 30-50 sen
Sungai Besi Highway - 10 sen
AKLEH dan NPE - 40-50 sen
Second Batch Of LCS coming into the Horizon?
8 years ago
the only tol we have here is at Asean Bridge, a gateway from Miri to Brunei... That would cost RM20 return.. Plus some more Bruneian dollar somewhere in Brunei, not sure how much cause it wasn't me who pay the tol.. :p
yup, i've also cross the bridge when i'm entering Brunei last time... if i'm not mistaken the cost for Brunei toll is about B$2.50..
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