X sabar aku nak join paintball scenario nih... date : 30 Nov @ Tanamera Sg Buloh...
Scenario :
A Malaysian diplomat was kidnapped by a group of drug cartel.The motive is to blackmail the government to release their leader.Time given was 48 hours to abide their demand.Failure to do so, will cost the diplomat to lose his head.To avoid this to happen,four special force teams will be deployed.
Cartel hideouts:
Malaysian - Thai border.
Search,Rescue,Evacuate,Eliminate (SREE).
The Operation will commence at 1000 hours under the thick cover of fog.Insertion will be from ground and air.
Near Malaysian - Thai border (inside Malaysian border)
Rescue Force:
Team Delta - Rainbow 5 (Pathfinder)
Team Alpha - Rainbow 6 (Rescue)
Team Charlie - Rainbow 7 (Strike)
Team Beta - Rainbow 8 (Eliminate)
Equipped(from Intelligence Unit) with AK-47,M-16,Cherry Tech Sniper Rifle,4x4 and Trucks.
Numbers of force at least of 250 personals.
psst : thanx to Hasrul@Donut for creating this scenario operation... PBM rulezzzz
Second Batch Of LCS coming into the Horizon?
8 years ago